So lovely to read that regardless of any initial anxieties, Ani has found that heading over to Ekiti State for his NYSC put him on his own personal journey of self-discovery, stepping up and of taking responsibility.
Then we come across that NYSC SAED lecture again. Sounds like it is such a helpful initiative!

I was posted to Ekiti but I wasn't entirely sure what it had in store for me so I read a little about the state before going to the orientation camp situated at Ise -Oru Emure.
It was all welcoming. All the usual procedures and proceedings took place e.g. morning devotions, parade, man o' war regardless of the stress and the extremely cold mornings. I was okay with every activity, after all it's another phase of life and I just faced it.
The Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) lecture was what opened my eyes to the possibilities of a camera. Since then I took interest in photography.
I really have no regrets because I learnt a lot of discipline, endurance and perseverance. After three weeks of camp life, I was faced with the reality of serving, My place of primary assignment was a school, Teaching was great and having to advice the students too,
When COVID came it was like it was all planned as I was faced again with having to take on more responsibilities because there wasn't a Batch A to hand over the responsibilities in the family house where I lived to so my Batch took up the responsibilities. I was given two spiritual responsibilities which I thanked God for cause it brought me closer to him as well as aided me in discovering myself as well as great minds.
Everything that happened has helped me discover a better side of me and also how to co-exist with other people from different backgrounds. I am still serving.
© Ani Chidera Emmanuel
@designbyanii on Instagram
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Memoirs of a 'Lazy Korfa' is available for purchase as an eBook or paperback within and outside Nigeria. Details can be found here.