​​Memoirs of a 'Lazy Korfa' is loosely based on the journal Tunmise kept during her three weeks in a Nigerian National Youth Service (NYSC) orientation camp.
It gives an honest and eye-opening account of camp life.
In sharing her experience, Tunmise hopes that those who have never been to NYSC camp would have an idea what it is like and possibly even think they missed out on some good fun!
For those who have been to camp, no matter how long ago, you can recall with some nostalgia the adventure and to those who still have camp ahead of them....well....now you know what it is you can either look forward to or dread!
For everyone, it is Tunmise's sincere hope that as you read through to the end, you would have gained something insightful no matter how small - a word, a phrase, a joke, a lesson - just as she did.